Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At First Baptist, we believe that we walk in the mission field every day. Our jobs, our schools, the grocery store - they're all places where we can connect and share the gospel. We also believe in mission fields that are outside of our physical reach, so we give monetarily through our various Baptist Conventions and our Great Commisstion Committee to support those we see actively sharing the gospel in places that we may never set foot on. And finally, there are places we are able to GO and use our gifts and talents to help other missionaries who are in the field sharing the gospel with those in their area. We are a church that supports and prays for missions - locally, state-wide, nationally and internationally.

Join us in prayer for these missionaries
Couple equips Hispanics and Latinos in South Asia
IMB workers Skip and Kim Meyer* have spent their lives on two very different mission fields but with the same purpose: giving hope to people who need it and equipping others to do the same.
Pray for Hispanics and Latinos as they serve in hard-to-reach regions of South Asia.
Pray for the Meyers and other IMB missionaries as they serve in areas in great need of the gospel.
Pray for more Hispanics and Latinos to answer the call to serve.
IMB workers Skip and Kim Meyer* have spent their lives on two very different mission fields but with the same purpose: giving hope to people who need it and equipping others to do the same.
Pray for Hispanics and Latinos as they serve in hard-to-reach regions of South Asia.
Pray for the Meyers and other IMB missionaries as they serve in areas in great need of the gospel.
Pray for more Hispanics and Latinos to answer the call to serve.
Turkmen search for security, hope
Critically broken. These words describing the lives of Turkmen families are heavy with the weight of millions of hard choices.
Pray that the desperation the Turkmen feel would make their hearts soft toward the good news of Jesus.
Pray that God will heal the deep wounds in believing families and use them to build His church.
Pray that God will turn the hearts of Turkmenistan’s leaders toward the needs of the people and that they will rule with wisdom, justice and mercy.
Critically broken. These words describing the lives of Turkmen families are heavy with the weight of millions of hard choices.
Pray that the desperation the Turkmen feel would make their hearts soft toward the good news of Jesus.
Pray that God will heal the deep wounds in believing families and use them to build His church.
Pray that God will turn the hearts of Turkmenistan’s leaders toward the needs of the people and that they will rule with wisdom, justice and mercy.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom by being on mission every day: spread the gospel through relationships and discipleship.
If you're interested in serving on a specific mission trip/endeavor, contact us today!